
What am I ?

My photo
bangalore, India
A question for which I am still in search of the answer. As the saying goes, " Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey " .. this blog is about my endless quest for happYness !

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Today was an unusual day even though it was cold as ever with drizzle in the morning. (Nothing unusual in Bangalore) I woke up before the alarmed time of 7 ( thanks roomie) and was about to begin my usual morning chore when I was stuck by this thought!  OMG today is a HOLIDAY. EID.. Never had this thought come up in my mind yesterday, atleast I would have planned for today. Surprise tastes even better if it comes little delayed i think :) Anyways "sad" to see him leave for office as perfectly dressed robot as possible ! 

Coming to the "story" ..  Theres something weird with the blog. I start to snooze everytime i open to pen my first chapter. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ........................................................................ goodnight!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Hi There! 
First, Thanks a heap for finding time to visit this blog amongst infinite other sites you probably could have visited and come out with satisfaction.

Here I am back to my secret hide-out place to share my inner thoughts to the world. Writing had never been a passion for me for I never was a good reader in first place. But something at my work and my life nudged me to find solace in writing blogs. I apologize for eating my own word of updating it every weekend ! Boo.. work is really getting on my head these days and happy that it isn't anything quite like it I had done before. Time will tell.

As my quiescent roomie, sits next to me relaxing on a "Crime" novel, a thought awakened me and here I am . You may call this as an after effect of watching "Finding NeverLand" or even term this to be weird , but .. I have decided to fulfill my deep buried wish of penning my own story.. Yup, you read that right. A story.

As children we dont give heed to all the imagination that we possess. Even the mundane looking traffic lights wont disappoint a child for he sees beyond the lights. Lights for him look nothing to what we see, lights not bound by its definitons. As an adult, we wish we retain atleast the slightest of imagination we once possessed. Imagination to free us from this chaotic and bound-by-law real world to which we have become slaves. Without imagination we no longer "live".

This is nothing of a prologue to my ambitious endeavour yet. Let me tell you that I have never been a fan of "Harry Potter", solely may be I miss to find a rational behind the story or may be i don't have the imagination to accept a story as a story.May this endeavour awaken the child in me , to imagine and free my soul and to live again !

The genre of the story is left to the reader ( if anyone else other than you :) ) to be decided for I havent yet made up my mind what the story would be about. I would add as and when I get time with a core storyline in place :) soon. Atleast it would refrain me from indulging in my favourite activity and ending up wasted with deep regret for having done so! Think you know what i mean....

So here it goes..


Awakened by a thunderous sound, Schaum focusses his newly bought Canon 550 DSLR to the top of long chain of vehicles lined up on the only ghat road ,to see another land slide to have occured , marring the slightest of hope he had to reach the destination atleast by dusk. Having waited for more than 18 hours, he feels claustrophobic and wishes to stretch out of the SUV but fears the cold outside and curls up again in the cozy heated leather seats of the Q7.
An hour passed and there was another jarring sound which almost made the SUV shiver! Only this time Schaum woke up for real !

It was 4 am and cold .With his heart pounding fast , threating to rip the chest and jump out , he cleared his eyes and starred at the dark ceiling above with its grey shadows of a rusting fan. "Damn! It felt REAL" he told himself. A quick glance to his right and he saw roomie snoring and living the dream of his own!. After a dash of cold water and heavy muffler work ,he tried sleeping again.

--to be continued

Friday, October 8, 2010

What you want to be, you will!

For a change let me not  start with the cliche ! But yes it's been a while I had spent time here and this time its an inspirational video I got to see on my FB that nudged me to open this url ! Much to my earliers posts, I promise to myself not to sound sarcastic everytime i decide to post. But then the world , as harsh as it can be, pushes me to feel guilty when i finish with the post. Not this time :)

It feels sublime to open one's own blog and gaze wondering how one could have penned these thoughts.. Well this surprise is good.

Life had done 180 in the past 6 months, I mean literal 180, for there had been many significant changes both on and off record. Some worth the brag and some to be swiped under the carpet for good while pinning me right where it all began!

Life is the most cruel of all. It will shovel you to ground every time you try to stand and scuttle with your success every inch you get closer. Yet success has no secrets as they say. Its just winning one more time than you fail that counts. All it takes is to stand , stand that just one more time. Life never believes in stories, and success never believes in what can be done, but what has been done!  The more one has reverberations of these, the more closer he gets to success. All it takes is to prove your worth to the world and success follows.     


I say the above assertions to myself as I am in need, in need for a slight nudge to kick me off from my sedate life. For 23 odd years, I never had been under pressure to perform, nor to outrageously excel but then what I am now I owe to the support and encouragement I received from folks around me. Thats the silent catalyst one is in desparate need in the corporate world. For this one time i feel fortunate that I am having my right catalysts to keep me going and aim to excel.

Here is one of my favorite quote to part with this post,

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities "

but its the choices that is the most difficult !

 For a change I have decided to blog my weeks learnings , experiences and my experiments with life every weekend and hope I stick to this regime in the upcoming posts. May be one day, when i would have long forgotten that I once had a blog page and me but curious to open my blog, I would alteast know my trail & my repertoire ! 


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Stairway to heaven!

Sitting idly on my cosy mattress surrounded by an army of ants, scavenging on leftover maggie from last night's dinner, a thought after the update from google buzz, provoked me to open up a long forgotten page on web...
yes its my so called blog.. ( or call it polambal place :P or watever)..and this time is a whole lot different mindset with which i have begun to pen my thoughts...

The most dramatic entry a protagonist can ever assume sure must go to "VeeJAi - the king of masses "( name changed as per request from Mr. V ) :P. ....Be it his 50 th or his debut he never tries to shy away from cliches.( or he never will) The saying of old wine in a new bottle does hold often too good for his movies, all but with a new heroin :P just for the audience's delight..

A song here and a fight there , our ears shoveled with hackneyed punch lines and gory romance scenes, this her"0" will one day go to Oscars for reason thats too obvious to even pen!!!. Why am I even trying to blog about this ? the ans: I "like" his movies...:P Sure go ahead with your opinion but.. if there is one her"0
" who could just pull up such movies with such panache..and never get bored doing that..thats him.. THE MAN

I'm dazed the way he continues to do such "projects" inspite of the tongue lashing from every page of the print media .. leave alone the movie critics.. So much hype surrounds his movies.. so much that even before its release, its a mass hit!!!.. add to that the glamor quotient it comes with and its a "sure" "hit" with the masses..

Wonder when will our masses wake up to the movies with real zeal for the love of arts, movies made with passion rather than for mass action!.Movies that inspire people rather than make them feel despair!!
 So much that it made me open my dusted blog again just to praise the her"0".!

No wonder ppl may get back with scornful vengeance, garrulous discussions juxtaposed with "Thala" and much more... Unless the industry wakes up to abrogate such films, we may never wake up and will always be the masses with less brain and be entertained by ppl with even lesser ones ....

Jai VeeJay.... :P

To whomsoever it may concern.....No intention of any kind of offense directed either implicit/explicit to the fans. To add more, each movie/genre caters to a particular audience and are appreciated for their own uniqueness. No comparisons can be ever drawn. :P

Punch Line : :P
Movies are meant to be seen and enjoyed!! not analysed and debated!! ...........
