
What am I ?

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bangalore, India
A question for which I am still in search of the answer. As the saying goes, " Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey " .. this blog is about my endless quest for happYness !

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A day @ the CORPORATION!

My apologies to all-o-u if i had sounded too sarcastic in earlier posts!....Now I am pretty excited to spill the beans atlast :). Inspite of signing NDA at the CORPORATION i still feel i can share much of what my routine monotonous tasks are about. Many people move with an aura of self accomplished complacent debonair, more gross to look at than anything in this world. No , i m not talkin abt any of my friends for they cant be if they were that way! .. but of one person who got all the attention one can ever tats so popular u can even find somebody discussing in blogs...CORPORATION was filled with people whom u can either get inspired off or get pissed off..i had encouters with more of the latter to say the truth.. Amid this population surrounding me , there was a lonely duckling, waiting to make a mark, and yes that was me!

My routine tasks involved too much of an use of a product Bill Gates & Co had developed. Tasks that call for involuntary breaks because of their mundane nature. Anyways i had no issues with the so called project i was never "assigned" to but "associated" with till now. Desires to design and learn saw an end, seemed more like a light at the end of a tunnel, an endless horizon , a space so void of matter.,, i guess its my grey matter that has become void now!!!...

As i continue penning my blog, my task calls for an attention which i never longed to provide. A 20 mins of freedom marred by a week long solution starved problem which crops every now and then. As i timeshare with blog and my task, i feel good that it has afterall made me hone my timemanagement skill :)... A break to cater to my task now...brb

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hmmm...this one describes ur day at the "corporation" as u call n ur blog...gud but more of ur polambals than ur everyday scheduled i wud like yu to add wht yu did der every hr...nd also i want yu to mention tht "frnds" a token of gratitude for the assistance he gave yu all these days in ur intern..though i know tht guys name.. ;)